


2022-10-21 返回上一頁

「我明白到要用心地去唱歌,亦學會一些歌唱技巧令音色可以圓潤一些。我非常開心透過多次努力練習,終於能夠首次在教堂裏獻唱。何副校長話我們的表演很震撼,雖然有一點點辛苦,但我覺得很值得! 」1A 施能盛 

“This was the first time I sang at the church and I was a bit anxious because there were a lot of attendees. I was worried that I couldn't calm myself down during the performance. Thanks to my teachers who always told me not to be pessimistic.  At 9:00p.m., it was about time for us to perform! We went on the stage and after the prelude, we started to sing. I closed my eyes and listened to the music wholeheartedly. I found that my mood changed from pessimistic to optimistic. Thank God, the harmony of our voice made me feel relaxed. At the end, I opened my eyes and everyone under the stage was clapping hands for us. At that moment, I felt so excited and thankful as my hard work had not been drained away! After the prayer meeting, we took photos with Bishop Ha, Principal Wong, vice-principals and teachers. I was so grateful for the teachers' encouragement that I was able to participate in such a meaningful event!” Anthony Lu 1A

「好榮幸可以參加這次歌詠表演,不論練習同表演的時候,都顯示出我們的默契,亦都感謝兩位老師的帶領和支持。表演時,我們盡力獻唱,雖然可能未必是最好的,但表演完之後聽到台下掌聲跟歡呼聲,那一刻我覺得所有的付出都非常值得。希望在振興讀書期間可以有多點表演機會,爭取多點經驗,也能傳播福音。」2A 余佳莉

「在表演的那一天好緊張,害怕自己彈得不夠好,會影響曬成個team,雖然在表現的時候有失誤,但係最後結束都收得很完美,也很多謝老師比這個機會給我參加這個活動。」4B 朱冠明

「這次的表演令我印象最深刻的是,在我們表演完走下台時,大家給予我們非常熱烈的掌聲。儘管我覺得我們的表演還需要改善的地方,但是我們獲得的掌聲還是非常激勵我。」 4B 趙浪豪

“The performance took place at Christ the King Chapel on 21st October 2022. It is my great honour to be one of the members in the school choir participating in this musical prayer evening. Moreover, it was my very first time to be able to sing in such a pretty chapel; it was definitely a wonderful and pleasurable experience for me. I hope I can perform in this chapel again next time.”  3A Pang Tai Chung

「今天的表演令我獲益良多,除了可以和其他人一起表演之外,我亦明白團隊合作的重要性。」3A 何諾謙

“I would like to share what I learned from the school choir – I was invited to join this event. This was my first time singing in front of others in a church. I've met a lot people who are nice and friendly. “ Jason Szeto 1A

「我好開心可以代表學校參加這次聖詠活動,很感謝兩位老師給予我們很多的鼓勵。也許我覺得我們不是最好的,但是聽到台下觀眾的掌聲,也會很開心。希望學校可以多舉辦這些活動,擴闊我們的視野。」2B 鄧詩琳

‘Thank you CGHC for giving me such a golden opportunity in joining this event, and I'm pleased to meet these adorable vocalists! Before the performance, I thought that these little kids would tax their teachers' ingenuity while spending a lot of time on picking up, but out of the blue, they took every practice seriously, and they put lots of effort into practicing, striving for a perfect performance on 21/10, especially our pianist Sam! Their performance did tug my heartstrings. 
After this performance, I hope their attitude will keep on, and they'll behave “as salt; as light”, spreading the great joy that “Jesus is Our All in All”, as they sang in their performance.'
Ms. Chloe Cho, our group's musical advisor

#張振興 CGHC
